Thursday, March 20, 2008

compostion test 1

Whenever Tom remembers the experience he had with a lion, his mind would go blank and it would send chills down his spine. He could vividly remember the accident that had happened a few years ago……

It was a Sunday morning. In a distance, the sky grew brighter as the sun crept over the horizon lazily. It was Ton’s birthday. As the rays of the sun filtered through the window panes, Tom jumped out of his bed quickly. His parents were bringing him to the zoo that day to celebrate his birthday. He rushed down to meet his parents and to get ready to leave after his breakfast. His family got into the car. Tom was grinning from ear to ear. He loved animals and could not wait to get there.

When his family reached the zoo, his parents went the ticketing booth to buy the tickets. As Tom waited impatiently for his parents to buy the tickets, he picked up a map of the zoo and started to plan where he wanted to go. He studied the map and finally chose to visit the lions enclosure. His favorite animal was the lion and he could not wait to see it.

After his parents paid for the tickets, he told them his plans to see the lions first and they immediately agreed to go along with his plans.

As they walked towards the lion enclosure, Tom was jumping around, happy with his visit to the lions enclosure. He almost got knocked over by one of the trams. When they finally reached the lions enclosure, Tom ran towards the railing of the enclosure to get a better look at the lions. Tom stood staring at the magnificent beast walking around the enclosure. The lion had a mane. It was a male. It had golden fur and sharp teeth. Tom decided to sit on the railing to watch the lions. His mother tried to stop him but it was too late. There were many people around and as one man tried to walk away, his hand accidentally hit Tom who fell into the lion enclosure. Tom stood petrified at the sight of the lion going closer to him but as he tried to climb out of the enclosure, he slipped on a rock and cut his leg. Blood oozed out of hi leg and it hurt like he was on fire. Beads of perspiration formed on his forehead and they glistened in the fluorescent light from the sun. His mother was screaming for someone to help Tom but no one came.

Suddenly, two zookeepers rushed to the scene and tried to rescue him. One of the zookeepers used a chicken to try to lure the lion away from Tom while the other used a tranquiliser gun to shoot a dart at the lion to make it fall asleep.

After about five minutes, the zookeeper holding the gun finally got a clear shot of the dart gun finally got a clear shot of the lion. He shot at the buttock of the lion and it immediately collapsed on the ground. The zookeepers quickly got Tom out of the enclosure and attended to his wounds. His mother and father rushed to him with worried looks. Tom assured them that he was okay.
In his mind, he was not okay as that was the most frightening experience of his life which he would never forget.

Sunday, March 16, 2008